He got to see Chicago, New York, Pennsylvania, and got to drive through Ohio (his mission). They got to play at the New American Music Union festival in Pittsburgh PA, and made a lot of great contacts and friends. He got to see Bob Dylan (who I think is one of the 2 most attractive male celebrities of all time) and all I got was a really cool, slightly purplish t-shirt. It was a really awesome opportunity, which we hope leads to more business in the future. He also had a TON of fun while he was with them.

However, he was gone for 2 weeks, was in the car for 70+ hours (which makes me nauseous just thinking about it), had to drive through Iowa and Nebraska, and has come back with a subconscious paranoia that I am going to leave him for the drummer from the Roots (a well known band that played there). He has had 2 nightmares about that since he got back. Plus, being apart for 2 weeks was really really hard for both of us, having only been married for 10 months. Needless to say, getting back together with him was the best thing that has happened all year. During that time, I spent a lot of time at work, at lot of time with the Phisters, a lot of time with our friends Vicki and Josh, 4.5 awesome days with Emily, Rob and Scout, and there were many more people who offered to feed me and entertain me and keep me from dying of loneliness. Now we're back together and Matt made some awesome friends, found some new fantastic music that we can't stop listening to, and has a crush on the drummer of Elizabethan Report, Tom

Who has the crush on the drummer? You or Matt?
Matt does!! Seriously, he talked about him nonstop when he got back, and had to show me all these "model" pictures, and just loves his personality, etc... It was kind of weird, haha!!
That is so funny! Because my comment was going to be that I think Matt was going to run away with the drummer of the Roots because he talked about him a lot when he got back into town. Now he is dreaming about "his wife" leaving him for him. Hmmmm, now this. Matt, something about you and drummers we should know about?
HA HA! Matt has a man-crush! Cam has one too, on Jack White.
Ha ha!! Man crushes are cute (so is Jack White!!). Do you know Matt's friend David Overstreet? The first time I met him, Matt told me that David was the only guy he'd ever wanted to be gay with. I was pretty wierded out, considering Matt is a pretty non-gay person. Em, Matt also kissed Spencer good-bye when we were leaving the restaurant. He thinks he was just used to me all of a sudden, but he kissed him on the neck and on the cheek. That was the 3rd best story he's ever told me.
P.S. What are your memories of Matt as a ring bearer at Dave's wedding?
I don't know David Overstreet. And I have no memories of Matt being the ring bearer at Dave's wedding. Dave's wedding night was the same night as the viewing of a good friend of mine who died. It was a pretty weird night for me.
Kissing Spencer on the cheek is funny. Kissing his neck is absolutely THE funniest thing ever.
I am trying to think of someone Rob may have a man crush on and can't. I will think about it.
B, you publish under "anonymous" even on your own blog! That totally cracks me up. Do you just still find B style more fun or what?
I'm kind of starting to have memories of Matt being the ring bearer. I think he was around 7? And I think Haley was with him, and she was around 3.
B style is way easier, there are a lot less things to type. Plus it's called B style. I don't sign in to my blog often, I just comment on things.
Em, I don't think Rob is the man-crush type. Maybe on the editor of architectural digest. He was so freaked out by Peters actions, I can't picture him ever doing anything similar.
Sue: I'll have Matt tell you the story whenever you see him again. It has to be demonstrated.
I have no memory of Matt being ring bearer, I am eagerly awaiting the story.
Rob is not the man crush type I guess. He is not homophobic in any way, Peter is just a buddy of his and that really did freak him out. Plus Peter is obsessesed with women and talks about them/slash their bodies constantly, I think that just really surprised him.
Rob isn't a mans man either, though. He likes interior design, shopping, shoes, and pretty things.
What is this Rob and Peter thing you're talking about? Remember when Matt had his hand on Rob's knee for a few minutes at your old house? That was hilarious!
I want to see the demonstration! He's going to do if for all you guys while you're in WY this weekend. He can't do it if I'm not there! Could someone please videotape it and send it to me? PLEASE!!!!!
Sue: I wish I knew somebody with a good video camera, then I'd totally film it.
Also Sue: Matt said he's going to make it a daily ritual to listen to Ziggy Stardust on your MySpace.
Rob and Peter thing:
You know what? I am going to post it on your myspace mail. I don't want to corrupt B's sweet blog anymore then it already is.
I don't see the Rob and Peter story on my myspace mail!!
B- I think you know someone who could have not only filmed the demonstration, but could have posted it for all to see!
Matt likes Ziggy Stardust? I should tell you the story sometime of when I went to Denver one weekend, when I was in high school, and saw David Bowie's Glass Spider concert. When I got home I thought I was going to be grounded for sure! Was I? NO!! When I got home my mom asked me if I wanted a sandwich! hee hee, don't tell my mom and dad.
Matt did not do any demonstrations, so there was nothing to film. I guess we all forgot.
I totally forgot Sue! Oops. I shall do it now.
This post has 2 of the best pictures of Matt. I love the one where he is doing some dance move and his arm is like 20 feet long. And I love the one where he is walking with the band. They are all just walking and Matt is rocking out.
The picture of Matt rocking out alone is so so funny. He looks like he is in his own little world. Was that one on the American Eagle website too?
I didn't see it on the AE website. Just the 20 foot long arm picture. Who took the rocking out picture? Was it Spencer's sister Jane?
I just enjoyed reading all of these comments for the first time.
Sue: Awesome story about going to Denver to see Bowie, did mom and dad even know you left? Good stuff. Yes, I love Bowie, not just Ziggy. Also, I guess sometime, if i'm in the mood and the moment is right I will tell my ring bearer story that B seemed to like so much. I think it has had WAAY too much build up now though.
Emily: That picture of me was not on the AE website. It was taken by a professional photographer that told me he took some pictures of me at the show and that I should check them out at Flickr.com
Nicely skipped over that man crush stuff. Well played.
No, mom and dad didn't even know I left. A bunch of us were watching MTV at Michelle Farrers house, yes back in the 80's we watched MTV because they played videos. Anyway, a thing came up about Bowies tour and we noticed he was going to be in Denver the next night. A few of us decided we had to go. Walter Perry was one of them (Anthony Perry's brother), he borrowed a friends car (it was a homeade convertable. The guy cut the top of the car off with a saw).
So we left Saturday morning not even knowing if the concert was sold out or anything. We saw on MTV that you could get tickets at Gart Brothers. We didn't know where one was. We didn't even know which Denver exit to take. And suddenly there was a huge Gart Brothers off one of the exits, we bought the tickets (less than $20 back then). We went to the concert, one of the best concerts I've ever been to. Bowie is amazing. Then we slept in a Denny's parking lot and drove home the next day.
That ring bearer story will make you all roll on the floor. There could never be too much build up.
Look at that you guys! B was up at 12:46AM!!! WHHOOOOOO HOOOO!!! (still avoiding the man-crush stuff as of right now)
Ha ha, I was only up at 12:46 because we were over at Phisters and I fell asleep at 10, but I got woken up by hysterical laughter (which is often the case over there) and wandered into the kitchen to see the bloggy. Is that the same night I came in to find that Chris' head had been shaved while I was asleep?
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