Matt and I have many adventures that don't make it onto our blog... but this one was actually funny once I got over the severe humiliation. Matt and I filmed the demolition derby last saturday. We even went to the pre-derby festivities, aka the Derby-Q that my co-worker put on. We had a spot in the nice safe bleachers picked out, so I left to go get a few other necessities (dinner, change, order forms, etc...). We normally film so that there is one camera stationary, getting all the action, and we are both following the action on 2 other cameras. As I was driving around, Matt called and informed me that our stationary camera couldn't get all the action, so we needed to get farther back and higher up. So now I needed to find volunteers to man our booth, extension cords, and a ladder. Dad supplied the cords, table, etc... and one very scary ladder. It touched about 2 inches of a top beam on the thing we were climbing up to film off of. The "thing" was a red, tin covered pavilion-type whatsit, with a few poles to hold it up, and nothing else. It was at least 20 feet in the air, and buckled and shook when you moved on it. I freaked out a little bit climbing up, but I love my husband, and wanted to make this the best galdern derby viddo in all of tarnayshun.
Well, coming back down turned out to be a whole lot freakier than going up. Even with Matt demonstrating, and both Matt and Dad coaching me, I could not bring myself to back up off the edge of a shaky building onto a shaky ladder with itty bitty footholds that I couldn't see (you had to peer pretty far off the edge to even see any part of the ladder). Anyways, I ended up bawling (proud moment) on top of the building, and was starting to call Matt some nice things like "Insane" and "Stupid Monkey-boy", when a former volunteer firefighter informed me that she had called "the boys" and they were on their way. They had to run down to the station to grab a bigger ladder, allowing plenty of time for a small crowd to gather and reassure me that I was going to get down just fine. The truck arrived (unfortunately, the pitmans heat was going on at this point, where the crew members could grab a working car and drive, and waaaay too many people stayed to watch, including 3 of my co-workers), and the nice fireman came up to help the scared little girl climb down the ladder. After I got down, they gave Matt the thumbs up, and a Pez nod, and he got to climb down without the fireman even watching him.
I still maintain that I am not afraid of heights, I am only afraid of ladders. Matt didn't believe me, and teased and argued with me about this, but that's his and the firefighters, and half of Fremont County's opinion, and they are entitled to it.
(Note: this is not the actual ladder, although said ladder was pretty much this scary)
I am the same way B, I hate ladders so much! I have been in similar situations and it is scary. That is so funny though. Sorry, but it really is. I can just see Matt and Grandpa trying to tell you how to get down and giving you encouragement. I'm sure you were really embarrassed, so sorry about that. What an adventure!
HAHAHA! That is FUNNY! The firemen actually came like you were a little stranded kitten? I'm sure that was horrifying to you (seriously). Funny for me though.
So- by the way, did they pay Matt for that job in moonshine?
Em, you nailed it. I felt like a 21 year old kitten. And no, no moonshine, but one person threatened to take out our ladder if we didn't give him a free dvd, and we were the only adults drinking out of the kids cooler at the derby-q. And we also watched a family let their 6 month old suck on an empty beer bottle. Good pacifier.
Now you have a great "most embarassing moment" story! Sounds like I missed out on a good show (and post-game show). Just so you Utah peeps know, the picture of the redneck was found online, he does not live in our town! Although, maybe some of his relatives do.
Mullets forever!
"derby-Q" haha. All the information I needed.
The baby sucking on a beer bottle is absolutely horrifying. And don't worry Aim, I'm sure if I went to some event in Utah such as this derby, I would find that guy and worse. I figured that was an online pic as I didn't think B would ever get that close to that guy to take a pic of him.
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