Dallins and babies and puppies, oh my!!
Prequel: I am a nanny for the Fabrizius family. Cory and Heidi (dad and mom) run their own business. They have two boys, Dallin (5) and Logan (7). Logan is in 2nd grade, and Dallin goes to pre-school three days a week. I mainly watch Dallin, but they have me do other things when Dallin wants to play with a friend or after school, stuff like that. I've done everything from watch them overnight to tearing down wallpaper, to... puppy sitting.
Remember how my life got unusually busy recently? Well, I started this week by going to work and discovering that my bosses had purchased not one, but TWO puppies over the weekend. It is currently averaging about 5 degrees in these parts, and their home is in the middle of a small remodel, complete with new hardwood floors. Oh, and they have a teensy lawsuit going on. So, I had a couple of minutes of wondering if they needed to be checked into a mental institution. They'd been talking about getting a dog, but I thought it would be one, and after the snow melted. It turns out they went to Casper (nearest pet store) wanting to get one puppy, but Logan (7) and Cory (30 something) both fell in love with a different puppy, and neither could be persuaded to leave without the dog of their choosing. So Heidi made them both swear that she would not be cleaning up any messes, had a brief panic attack, and decided to get both.

This is Cory's pick Chester, a bull mastiff. Hate the name, LOVE the face. He acts like he's just going "Duh, which way did he go doc, which way did he go..."but he is the sweetest, most gentle giant ever. He hasn't yet learned that the door open means go outside, or that you shouldn't run into things with your head, but today he made me really proud by figuring out how to get down some really steep slippery stairs that even little Miss Lacey couldn't figure out. He's going to be HUGE! And I just love his temperament otherwise. He loves people, and is a wonderful cuddle buddy to his crate mate (they do have two crates, but they prefer to sleep in the same one, so cute).
This is Lacey, Logan's pick. She is a yellow lab. I love the name, it's so something that a 7 year old would pick out for a girl. She is a smart little thing, and runs circles around Chester. She plays keepaway really well, and has picked up on pretty much everything puppies should know really fast. I love her ears, and her whole face. She's such a spunky little lady, all of the construction workers fell in love with her instantly. She loves playing in the snow, and has already started to play fetch.

Wednesday was kind of a crazy day because I had a 9 month old I was taking care of along with Dallin and the two puppies. The puppy's main environment is the garage, since Chester doesn't like the snow. Right now, that's also the main work area for the construction crew, so when we let them out of their crates, they have to be watched so that they don't chew on extensions cords and sandpaper and stuff. The baby, Murray, is at pretty much the same stage. Everything he can get his hands on goes into his mouth. So yesterday, I got to be an expert at the one fingered swipe to get things out of puppy mouths and infant mouths. I got bit a couple of times, and I washed my hands about a million times. I also had to change diapers and clean up puddles because Chester refused to go outside and I couldn't find a spot fast enough to put Murray down and pick Chester up... So Wednesdays are going to be crazy for a little while! I'm thinking a baby backpack would be a really great idea at this point. I couldn't even set Murray down in the kitchen because there were tool belts everywhere (drill bits ≠ good chew toys) or the basement because Dallin FREAKED every time Murray got close to one of his toys (youngest child syndrome). The rest of the house was taped off so... I got really good at making peanut butter and honey sandwiches one handed (that's the only thing Dallin will eat with any kind of regularity). Anyways, that's my job. The boy's aunt suggested I start a business called Wright Hand because I do pretty much everything. Tomorrow I will be working in their lab, and next week I get to paint a ceiling. But I'd way rather play with all the babies. Pray for energy for me!
Wow sounds pretty crazy! You sure are getting prepped for motherhood! Those puppies are so adorable, too bad you are the one that has to deal with them most of the time.
All I can say is that one year ago, I was about to die, and I only had one naughty puppy. Prayers for B.
'All I can say is "WOW" a few times. Two puppies at the same time. It should be a circus around there for a year or so. Bull Mastiff? The do get big it think. Love the name Chester. Hahaha.
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