So Matt and I didn't really have anything to do this weekend. Phisters were out of town, no epic adventures to Utah, no weddings to film, we went camping last weekend, etc. We decided that we were going to just be really nice and have fun with one another. We also made a pact that the entire weekend had to be full of positivity, and there could be no put downs, of either of us or of anyone else for that matter. Friday night, after work, we decided to eat out. "Eating out" in Matt and B terms normally means going through the Drive-thru at Taco Bell and eating in the car while listening to whatever music we want. We did this, and got their AMAZING new Cantina tacos!! We highly recomend the steak and chicken ones, but they haven't quite figured out how to fix pork yet. That's ok Taco Bell, you are forgiven because you make us amazing food, you've gotten us through countless hardships, and it sure beats cooking!! We then drove to "Black Bridge". Black Bridge is a bridge built in the 1800's halfway between Riverton and Shoshone, off the beaten path, that you have to walk about 1800 yards to get to.

Good times!!! Driving home, we decided we wanted to keep being alone together, so we listened to some "Stuff You Should Know" about brainwashing (more about recent fascination with brainwashing in a later post), and drove to Phisters!!! Where we took yummy showers and changed into our new clothes, and cuddled on top of Scott and Amy's bed and watched South Park. Normally we'd cuddle somewhere else, but... they're kind of cramping our style with this whole "new carpet and paint" thing that they've got going on. All of the furniture was set out of the way, and Scott and Amy's was the only TV besides the itty bitty one from the kitchen. And Amy kind of gave us permission to do that (I feel like I'm totally confessing here. Your bed's really nice Amy, thanks!!). Whilst we were doing that, I saw a friends facebook status that said that there was a garage sale in the morning that was going to have furniture at it, and we need furniture!! I got Matt up at 7:30 and we ate Crunch Berries together, and we went and bought furniture!!! To move into our new house!!!!!! Which is.... <
So yes, we bought furniture, and we are moving to an apartment somewhere in Riverton as soon as we can.
After purchasing said furniture and taking it back home, and Pops helping us fix a couple of loose screws (the furnitures, not ours, haha!) it was time for *Dum dum dum* PAINTBALL!!!!
Our friend recently purchased a set of inflatable bunkers and all the equipment from the one paintball place in town that is closing down because the owners were pedophiles (no joke!!), and that saturday was his test run of all his new stuff!! He's going to try to start a legit business, because paintball is a surprisingly (ok, it surprised me) big pasttime in Riverton Wyoming. So we dug out our guns (I have my very own Tippman 98 Custom that I bought to impress Matt, and it's very wonderful and has never broken a ball, and works great as long as I remember to put paint in it and take it off safety.) and headed out to the fort, forgetting our sweatshirts in the process. Paintballs travel at about 300 feet/second, and it's very good to wear protective gear, because if they contact skin, they can make you bleed. Plus, I bruise like a peach, as you'll soon see. Well, we happened to be playing with a very excellent player, who is also about 90% deaf. He's this awesome older man named Ed, who everyone wanted to be on the same team as. He added some interesting dynamics to the game, because he really could hardly hear a thing. He was pretty much in his own trigger happy world the whole time. For the first game, my team, which was not Ed's team, kicked trash because Matt took out the whole team! He even shot Ed right between the eyes. And I didn't get shot, which sucks, because I'm always super nervous about the first hit, which is the worst one. So round two, same teams, switched sides, and I ended up behind this dumb cone that does NOT provide very good cover, especially when there are people on either side of you shooting at you, as I found out. I got hit in the arm, which produced this bruise...
(Note: that is bruising... not purple paint)
It freaking stung. But I took it like a... champ, and played every round except the very next one. I'm definitely never forgetting my sweatshirt after that. Matt was also being really sweet, and took a bullet for me in the next round that I played (I found out later that he'd just barely gotten out and was walking out of bounds, and just walked through the gunfire of the person shooting at me... but we'll pretend he was being heroic).
It's fun when Matt Wright and B are friends. We even got matching friendship welts!
Awesome posting and story, B. Love the part about the murkey water phobias and the bridge. You are a trooper and Matt is kinda wierd, but we all know that and love him for it.
Haha you guys are so funny. Can you believe I have lived here like pretty much my whole life and I have never been to black bridge?? Weird. I have the same fear of water B, you aren't weird. I hate it. Love the matching welts!
We are going again friday evening Haley. You and Marcus should come!
I have to add, that the super funny part about the picture of me jumping off, was on the way back I said, "oh, let me see the picture you took" and I couldn't find it. She then looked over my shoulder and said "look, see, there is your splash!" As if the picture was perfectly fine. No mention of the fact that she totally missed the moment. Haha. It made it that much of a better picture.
Sounds like a good Matt and B-ish weekend. Too bad there was no epic weekend in Utah. I like those.
I'll have to try those Cantina tacos!
You guys listen to Josh and Chuck?
Fun times. You guys do just fine without us! Way to get out there and do some fun stuff.
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