Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Words cannot describe how FREAKING AWESOME it is to have this apartment. We love it. It's got a great location, it's adorable, and NOBODY knows that this complex is here, but it's less than a block from my work, and really close to the church too. Can't give too many details for all the stalkers out there. Anyways, this is the view out of our double doors in our living room.

There's a little black bunny who lives around here too, fed by an elderly woman who plants flowers everywhere and knows who everyone is and what they're up to. The bunny is the cutest thing ever, but seems to only come out at night. We've seen a bigger black and white one too. There were bunnies at Mom and Dad's too, and they were always there to cheer me up when I was having a bad day, so I think they passed on the message to their cousins down here to keep an eye on us :-)

Anyways, we just wanted to show off the interior of the apartment. It's just big enough, and has a little storage unit for us. And it has a DISHWASHER!!!! 

Here's a view from the front door. Our cute double doors on the left, kitchen to the right, and the two bedrooms straight back. The tree growing out of the back of the couch is these vinyl sticker things. It's way cute, and a nice distraction since we can't paint. Oh, and Matt with his guitar is a semi-permanent fixture also. I've drawn the line at it getting it's own pillow in the bed. 

Here's our sweet entertainment center setup, decorated for Halloween. The actual shelf thing used to be pale yellow, but we practiced our tagging skills, and spray painted it. It looks really nice now. Many thanks to the Phister's for giving us their old sound system, and other furniture.

Here's the kitchen with AC and dishwasher!!! And massive pile of recycling to be... recycled.

Other side of the kitchen. We're stoked to have our own fridge, full of yummy stuff that we like. There was not much room at Mom and Dad's for all of our (Matt's) ice cream and almond butter habits, so we're grateful for little things like that.

This is Cosmo, soon before we cleaned his bowl. We were fish sitting for some friends, and it made us feel very grown up. Matt made me laugh really hard by making sure Cosmo got his exercise and fun each day. He'd take a butter knife and swirl the water all around to make a current. We (I) also fed him so much that his water turned pink. And we let him stay up past his bedtime. Does this make us the best fish sitters ever, or the worst? 

This is the beloved ducky bathroom. We still haven't retrieved the ducky shower curtain rings from Mom and Dad's, but otherwise, this place is a haven for duckies of all shapes and sizes (NYAS duck included). Oh, and you can kind of see in the bottom right our Orabushes! Go Orabrush!! If you don't know what those are, YouTube it!! (Provo company made famous strictly by YouTube, therefore Matt is very fascinated with online marketing potential)

Our sweet bedroom, with two big windows. And our free dresser, from the dorms up at the College. Note the exceptionally stylish handles (embrace the Wyomingness). And our sweet Ikea lamp shade...

...And the all too awesome cowboy who shows up from time to time!!

Last, but not least, is the messy and unorganized office. But it has AC!! And the INTERNET!!! 

We'd like to say a massive THANK YOU SO MUCH to Jane and George for putting up with us for the 347 days that we co-habitated with them (not that anyone was counting). It wasn't always easy, but it taught us all lots of valuable lessons, like Ben and Jerry need to be kept under lock and key, and Chester could survive off of eating DVD's and electric razors if he had to. It also will forever make us grateful to live on our own, and not have to worry about how loud we're being late at night, or get annoyed at how loud two mostly deaf people can be on early weekend mornings when they're yelling across the house at each other, trying to figure out "...are the kids here? Where's my other shoe? What are we having for dinner tonight?" and my personal favorite "WHERE'S MY HEARING AID?" Hehehe. We're sure you don't miss Matt's office taking up 3/4 of the house at times, and our inability to turn off lights/listen to movies and music quietly/bring our dishes to the kitchen/argue without Ipods and other random objects being thrown across the house. We miss movie nights and early morning bagels, and are forever in your debt. Love you guys!!! 



Haley said...

Great post! I love your little place and are glad you guys are so happy with it. It is so nice to be on your own. Once I get our new place put together I will post pics too. This might take a while....

Emily said...

Your apartment is so cute! I love it and am very happy for you guys. I'm sure it feels good to be on your own again. I think my favorite part about your apartment is your bedroom dresser. Holy crap that is the funniest thing ever and I implore you to seek out where you can find a wagon wheel bed like in Ps, Ts and As AND to make it complete, perhaps the wagon wheel coffee table from When Harry Met Sally. I would like to see something a little more rustic for your bed spread however. (I fear that one might start looking out of place.)

Um, can I also say: That pic of Matt is probably my favorite thing I will see this week. I would seriously pay to have it made into one of those cardboard cut out things. It would make me happy every day.

Haley said...

Ok that was my erased comment because it was seriously so dumb. I can't think straight. Just wanted to say how much I love your ducky bathroom! Allison would go crazy in there! She loves to quack, haha.

B said...

Thanks guys!! We love our apartment too, and Em, we will get to work on making it more dramatic, but less ghetto (hehe). And on getting you a cardboard cutout of Matt the cowboy :-D.

Haley, good luck getting everything set up in there!! I wish we had some time and could come help you!! It was hard enough getting ours all set up, and I didn't have a toddler "helping" as I'm sure Allison does, and no energy suck either... But anyways, we can't wait to see pictures, even though there's no way you could have a cooler bathroom than we do :-D peace and blessings!!

Amy said...

Your office looks 100 times better than when we saw it. I'm so happy that you two got your own place. I have to say that I laughed hardest at the fish story. Exercise? Too funny. Love the cowboy picture of Matt. Never saw that one before. Never will forget either.