(Sorry Matt, that's the only picture of you I could find in your cap and gown!!)
So, as I'm sure you all have heard, Matt Wright is almost officially a college graduate!!!!! He was able to walk and everything, he just has to finish a lot of hours of radio time in the next 6 weeks for one class (which will be cake), and then he's DONE!!! Our adventures in trying to get him graduated have been... PMS-ing teachers who shall remain nameless, a Bhuddist documentary/adventure in the middle of the semester, 18 credits of madness, and Biology, to name a few. The documentary caused him to miss 2 weeks of school, but luckily all of his teachers love him, and let him turn in any work he missed. That, and his awesome wife who read Death of a Salesman AND slogged through Oedipus just to help him write a paper. Just kidding. Like I told Matt, I just helped him kick it in to the finish line. He was an awesome student all semester. He gave up all video games for the entire thing, and never turned into a monster because of all the stress, like I would have done. Even the last week, when we couldn't see how he was going to finish and pass, he would still play me cute songs on the guitar to prevent me from smashing through any walls. A few almost all nighters (4 hours of sleep doesn't quite cut it for me), and we pulled it off!!!!!!!!!!! Matt got by with 3 A's, a B and 2 C's.
A few highlights/lowlights...
-Classes ended Wednesday. Monday, Matt went to one of his teachers and asked her if there was anything else he needed to do, or if he was for sure passing. She looked him up in the computer, and told him that he was just fine. Wednesday morning-ish, this same teacher left him a scary voicemail saying that she needed to see him immediately. I don't know the whole story, but he wasn't as safe as we'd both thought. However, she let him have until Monday, because she knew that he had most of his assignment done, and that he needed to Biology very badly at this point.
-Friday, the day OF graduation, another teacher stops Matt and tells him that he never got Matt's final paper, which was turned in online, and that he wasn't passing English. Fortunately, Matt HAD turned it in on Tuesday, and had the e-mail receipt to prove it, so that was a quick fix, but still made us wonder if someone was working really hard to keep Matt from graduating.
-Biology was what Matt opted to do instead of Math... (bravery? Or something else?). This 4 credit class Matt swears had more work than all of his other classes combined. So Matt saw that there were 8 (8!!!!) assignments due every single week (quizzes, chapter worksheets, labs, lab tests, virtual labs, etc...). So he opted not to do the 2 that were worth the least amount of points. Well, over the semester, all those points added up to the amount that he needed in order to get a C rather than a D (which wouldn't cut it for his major). So the last week is when we did those, because there was no way we could get to them before that. That was about 30 worksheets and virtual labs... there was a stack of papers about an inch thick that he handed in at 8 am on Friday. Graduation was that night, and we waited all day for a phone call that said either yes you did it, you can walk, or I'm sorry.... it didn't come, so we decided to just pretend that he'd passed (we were 75% sure at that point), and went out for a celebratory dinner, and then dashed home to attempt to iron his robe and get ready. Well, at this point, Matt thought that his stomach was going to explode, and he ended up getting a mild case of food poisoning 20 minutes before graduation started (the kind B doesn't talk about). At this point, we thought for sure Satan was doing his best to keep Matt from graduating. BUT the ceremony was awesome, and Matt texted a lot of people a picture of "This is what relief looks like" FROM his spot at the back of the stage. He was the 3rd to last person to graduate. Afterwards, his Biology teacher came up, almost in tears, and said "You did it! You did it!!" and gave him a big hug. That was about the best moment ever for Matt, and he was just beaming the rest of the night. I was asleep by 10:30 after that, and Matt went to a former teacher's house and watched a movie. The next 2 days we spent a combined total of about 12 hours at a job filming a dance recital, and then Monday was the day when Matt went to sleep at 6:30 pm, and I broke his keyboard.
- HIGHLIGHTS!!! Matt graduated. He made awesome friends with most of his teachers. He learned how to play the guitar, which was his haven for when his brain wanted to explode. He has a ton of work to do now that the semester is over (yay work!!), and hopefully he learned some things! He has a large radio following, that will probably only get bigger with all this summer radio time. He took advantage of some awesome opportunities, and will never be the same again!!! We are all sooooo proud of Matt Wright!!!!!!!!!
So here's what Matt is deservedly doing right now (don't mind the mountain of clean clothes...) after another rough week, and a long night on Phister's floor. I love the Wizard of Oz-ness.
I love you Matt Wright